School Type was retired as a reportable field in June of 2019.
However it remains a valuable indicator for SPED staff who work with SEDS Systems like SIRAS.
In SIRAS, the School Attending menu on the MIS Summary page is dependent upon the correct school type being chosen to filter appropriate schools.
EX: If a student is on an ISP plan, then we can use the private school type value to show the available private school type school name values.
Below is the last known official definitions of School Type, SCH_TYPE, from the 16-17 AY CASEMIS Manual.
These codes are used in Field A-7 to indicate the type of school or program where student receives the majority of instructional services.
Code School Type
00 No School (ages 0–5 only)
10 Public Day School: Day schools operated or administered by a public agency to provide instruction in general education. This includes schools listed in the California Public Schools Directory published by the CDE. This category does not include residential school or other types of schools listed under this Field.
11 Public Residential School: Schools operated or administered by a public agency to provide instruction in general education, where students reside at the same location. This category does not include any other types of schools listed under this Field.
15 Special Education Center or Facility: A separate school operated by an LEA for students with disabilities. (USC 1412(a) (5) (A) 19 Other Public School or Facility: (Such as a store-front transition program) Any other setting where an LEA may provide special education services, including community facilities, off-campus classrooms, etc. (EC 56361(g), USC 1401(29)(A))
20 Continuation School: Continuation schools primarily serve students 16 through 18 years old by providing individualized instruction and flexible scheduling to meet individual graduation needs, while allowing students to comply with the compulsory part-time attendance laws. It also is mandated to provide guidance, placement, and follow-up services to students. (EC 48400-48454, CAC Title 5 §11000-11010).
22 Alternative Work Education Center/Work Study Program: An alternative program to teach basic academic skills, with emphasis on the improvement of student motivation for achievement in order to obtain employment or to return to regular high school. Center will operate on a clinical, client-centered basis, and provide classroom instruction, on-the-job training, career counseling, and placement services. (EC 52900). The center may also provide appropriate educational services to school dropouts through recruitment or referral. These services may include: instruction in basic academic skills, motivation, employment, or re-entry orientation. The goal is to transition to public school, diploma equivalency program, vocational program, military or other service program, or postsecondary education. In addition, a program administered by the Student Aid Commission to provide an opportunity for college students to earn money while gaining experience in educationally beneficial or career-related employment. (EC 69951).
24 Independent Study: An alternative to classroom instruction consistent with a school district's course of study. This is an instructional strategy (not a categorical program) that responds to an individual's needs and styles of learning. (EC 46300(3), 51745-51749.5, CCR Title 5 §11700-11703).
30 Juvenile Court School: An alternative program that serves the educational needs of students who are under the protection or authority of the Juvenile Court or local school district. The County Office of Education provides for the education programs in juvenile ranches, camps, and schools, as well as juvenile halls. Students are placed in juvenile court schools when referred by the juvenile court or a deputy probation officer. These programs seek to transition the students back to an appropriate educational, training, and/or employment setting upon release or after the court terminates jurisdiction. (W&IC §202 et seq., EC §1980 et seq.).
31 Community School: An alternative program that serves the educational needs of students. The County Office of Education provides for the education programs in community schools. Students are placed in community schools when expelled from school, or referred by a School Attendance Review Board (SARB). These programs seek to transition the students back to an appropriate educational, training, and/or employment setting. This also includes district operated community schools.
32 Correctional Institution or Incarceration Facility: It is an institution run by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Justice, or any other public agency where an individual is detained for infraction with the law and where educational classes provide instruction in civic, vocational, literacy, health, homemaking, technical, and general education.
40 Home Instruction (based on IEP team determination): An alternative to classroom instruction. An IEP team decision states and certifies that the student's diagnosed condition prevents him/her from attending a school setting. Instruction may be delivered individually, in small groups, or by teleclass. (Title V, §3051.4).
45 Hospital Facility: A public hospital, state licensed children's hospital, psychiatric hospital, proprietary hospital, or a health facility for medical purposes. (EC 56167-56168).
50 Community College: This includes specialized services and educational programs offered by the postsecondary community colleges for students over high school age in academics, reading and mathematics labs, and vocational, career, and community development skills.
51 Adult Education Program: This includes programs, such as, parenting, basic education, high school diploma, English as a second language, citizenship, short term vocational programs, older adults, adults with disabilities, home economics education, and health and safety in order to provide or improve the skills of adults.
55 Charter School (Operated by a LEA/District/COE): Charter schools that are deemed to be a public school within the district/SELPA participate in either the same manner as other schools within the district or as described in a memorandum of understanding.
56 Charter School (Operated as a LEA/District): Charter schools that are deemed a local educational agency for the purpose of special education must participate in an approved special education local plan (SELPA) as a LEA. (EC 56195.1 §(a),(b), or (c) (20 USC 1400 et seq., EC 47641 (a), AB 1115, Chapter 78, Statutes of 1999).
61 Head Start Program: A part-day comprehensive child development program for children 3–5 years of age from low-income families. Services are provided in this program through four components: education, social services, parent involvement, and health. Head Start is mandated to make a minimum of 10% of its enrollment opportunities available for preschool age children with disabilities.
62 Child Development or Child Care Facility: Any residence or building, or part thereof, in which child care and development services are provided. The facility must be licensed by the California Department of Social Services.
63 State Preschool Program: Part-day comprehensive developmental programs for children 3-5 years of age from low-income families. The programs include educational development, health services, parent education and participation, program evaluation, and staff development.
64 Private Preschool: A preschool program operated by a private agency, that provides basic supervision, age appropriate activities, nutrition, and parent education for preschool children ages 3–5.
65 Extended Day Care: An extended school day program that provides educational activities that are appropriate to the ages of the students and that capture the students' interests and needs. (EC 58752).
70 Nonpublic Day School: A nonpublic, nonsectarian day school (under the Field SCH_TYPE) that enrolls individuals with exceptional needs pursuant to an individualized education program, employs at least one special educator, and is certified by the CDE (EC 56034).
71/72 (outsideCA) Nonpublic Residential School: A nonpublic, nonsectarian school that enrolls individuals with exceptional needs pursuant to an individualized education program, employs at least one special educator, and is certified by the CDE. This school provides an educational program at the same location where the student resides (often a licensed children's institution). (EC 56034).
75 Private Day School (not certified by Special Education Division): A school, sectarian or nonsectarian, which is not administered by a public agency and does not provide special education services. Students attending this school do not reside at the school premises. Services are provided through an ISP, in accordance with district policy for serving students in private schools.
76 Private Residential School (not certified by Special Education Division): A school, sectarian or nonsectarian, which is not administered by a public agency, and does not provide special education and services. The student resides at this school, although private residential schools may provide a combination of residential and day programs. The status of a student (whether day or residential) will depend on where the student resides. Services are provided through an ISP, in accordance with district policy for serving students in private schools.
79 Nonpublic Agency: A private, nonsectarian establishment or individual that is certified by the CDE that provides related services necessary for an individual with exceptional needs to benefit educationally from the pupils' educational program pursuant to an individualized education program. It does not include an organization or agency that operates as a public agency or offers public service, including, but not limited to, a state or local agency; an affiliate of a state or local agency; including a private, nonprofit corporation established or operated by a state or local agency, a public university or college; or a public hospital. The nonpublic, nonsectarian agency shall also meet standards as prescribed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and State Board of Education.
80 Parochial School: A school that is affiliated with or run by a religious organization.