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EOY4 16.22 Report Comparison
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During EOY4, the 16.22 report from CALPADS is a count of non participating records for the district.

(The 16.23 report is a list of this same data to find specific students with specific non participation reasons, see screenshot at bottom.)


We can use statistical reports in SIRAS to find in SIRAS what we would expect to see in the CALPADS reports.


If you find non participation reasons in SIRAS are not showing in CALPADS, review your reportable exits.


Pay attention to the totals coming from the results of initial evaluations, 11, 12 and 21. (not all 21 are initial evaluations!)

Non participation reason 11 is responsible for proportionate share funding.

(11, 12, 21 explained) padlet link


Go to /Reporting/Statistical Reports/Predefined Reports

Run the 16.22 report.

This will find all the student records that have a non participating status as of the end of the academic year.


See screenshots below.






Clicking on the Student Count numbers will find just those records for review.






In CALPADS you would use the 16.23 List report when looking at individual records that have the specific non participation reasons.

see screenshot below on where to find non participation reason in the 16.23 report.




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