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Home > Support Center > Support Center - Administrators > CALPADS Errors - Troubleshooting > Verifying SWDS effective date for Initial Evaluations where there was no plan.
Verifying SWDS effective date for Initial Evaluations where there was no plan.
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  1. When a student has an initial evaluation and is eligible but will not participate, the status effective start date needs to align with the meeting date.
  2. EXCEPT when the meeting is prior to the students 3rd birthday, in that case the SWDS needs to be set to the third birthday.
  3. We are following the guidance from CDE on Special Education File Submission Scenarios.
  4. Specifically Scenarios: 5, 6, 8, 9a, & 10


If you are being directed to this page you may need to fix some of these records.

Also, please look for these errors in the 504 and SST modules as in some cases the students after not starting an IEP plan may have been referred for that. If you find them there, you will need to manually fix the Initial evaluation archive.


  1. Very simply, we would remove the SWDS with wrong effective date from CALPADS.
  2. Then in Siras, go to the record, fix the inactive date and save.
  3. Then click the archive for reporting button to automatically have the corrected SWDS sent to CALPADS to replace the one that was just removed.


As long as the record is still with the district that did the initial and there have been no more archives created since the initial was finalized as DNQ or Eligible No Plan, this works fine.

If you are reviewing the record and it wasn't your district that did the initial or another archive has been created, contact [email protected] for further guidance.


(If you want to see the query that found these records, scroll to very bottom of page.)


The non participation reasons of:

  • Other Reason (12) (delayed start, moved)
  • Parents decline FAPE (11)
  • Parents decline Eligibility (27)
  • Found not eligible, DNQ (21)


Are the scenarios where by default the SWDS effective start date needs to be in alignment with the meeting date of the meeting that created this status.


If you find a record in CALPADS where the SWDS Status effective Start date does not match the Meeting date of the Initial IEP, we should fix this.

The errors you are seeing now that led you to this page, SWDS0011, SWDS0012, SWDS0021 are indicators that the inactive date was out of alignment with the meeting date. Brian from Siras has posted these for your convenience.


See screenshots at bottom of page for illustration of misalignment and correct alignment of the two dates in the two files.


Steps to Resolution:


  • Before you send data from SIRAS to CALPADS
  • Delete the SWDS record with the effective start date that is not the meeting date.
  • Click the Open button on the left and then click the Delete button at the bottom of that page.




(Do not reactivate any meetings!)


Go to the records with the SWDS0011, SWDS0012, or SWDS0021 error code.


Assuming your district did the initial IEP and there is only 1 archived record.


(If not contact [email protected])

  • On the MIS Summary page Current
  • Click the (Edit) Link above the Inactive Date/Reason
  • Change the inactive date of the current record to match the Initial IEP (initial evaluation date) of the current record.
  • Click Save
  • Archive the MIS page
  • Remove the posted error
  • Send data only after we know the SWDS with the wrong effective date was removed fromCALPADS, otherwise you will get SWDS0618.





Or to fix the archive manually


  • Open the Initial IEP archive,
  • click Open Archived Record for Editing
  • Click the Edit link above Inactive date
  • Change inactive date to match the Initial IEP date as seen in Initial Evaluation Date and Special Ed. Initial Entry Start Date
  • Click Save
  • Click the Edit CALPADS Reporting button
  • Change the report status from Complete to Pending
  • Click Validate and Save
  • Remove posted error.


Then you can send data from Siras to CALPADS again







Click Edit and fix the Inactive date to match meeting date and click Save





If the Initial Evaluation archive is the most recent archive, you can use the Archive for reporting button to replace the archive.




If there was another archive after it, or the current record has moved and you are only fixing the archive manually follow these steps.


Click the Open Archived record for editing button

Then click the Edit link above the Inactive date

Save the new date

Then click the Edit CALPADS Reporting button

Change Report status from Complete to Pending

Click Validate/Save

Send data again to CALPADS




Misaligned Status Effective Start Date



Correct Status Effective Start Date





Here is the Query for finding all Initials resulting in No Plan that should be in your EOY4 Non Participation Reports in CALPADS:


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