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Home > Support Center > Frequently Asked Questions > When to use SELPA From as Out of State
When to use SELPA From as Out of State
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The real and only reason to use out of state SELPA From:

  • If CALPADS has no information about a student who your IEP team already knows to be eligible for IEP.
  • AND if the IEP offer of FAPE provided to the District was developed out of State, ONLY THEN can we use SELPA_FROM = Out of State
  • Since CALPADS has no information at all, we have to send more than just the plan adoption.


Student is returning from out of state, but IEP was not developed out of CA.

  • If the student already has a CA base IEP that is in CALPADS, and a student 'goes out of State' and then returns 'from out of state' to start participating again.
  • This is NOT a reason to use Out Of State.
  • This is like any other student who leaves, and comes back. 
  • If we have evidence the Plan already in Siras is outdated, then update it with new IEP or EVAL dates, or services.



  • If the IEP was developed on paper in CA
  • AND CALPADS has no information yet about this IEP, we would still NOT use SELPA_FROM = Out of State (because the IEP wasn't developed out of state!)
  • contact [email protected] for assistance in sending a complete set of SWDS, MEET, PLAN and SERV (it's actually pretty easy)


If Siras has no information about a student returning from 'out of state', but CALPADS has information, then we do NOT use Out of State SELPA, we just complete the entire MIS Page from data as seen in CALPADS, and use any data provided by Parents of recent meetings.

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