IEP Manager holds meeting data events, meeting events are reported by their corresponding MIS Summary page archived transaction.
Archives can be created on the MIS Summary page independent of a meeting event creating one when it is finalized.
When new students arrive, we need to archive a plan adoption on the MIS Summary page.
When preschool students matriculate to school age setting in Kinder we change the program setting and manually archive the change to be reported to CALPADS.
In the example below, the 8/15/2024 archive does not have any IEP manager events associated with it.
This may be significant when trying to build records in CALPADS.
If the archive on the left is associated with an 'Amendment' on the right, then that archive may be limited in what it can report to CALPADS.
When trying to rebuild custom SWDS history in CALPADS
We use the original archived transaction (resulting from a SIRAS IEP meeting event) that can replicate the original SWDS or MEET post transactions.
Or we archive a transaction on the MIS page (like plan adoption) that is not associated with any IEP Manager event. It can be used to send SWDS only or MEET only