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Home > Support Center > Recent inactive Initials that may start participating later
Recent inactive Initials that may start participating later
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This query finds records that had recent initials and the non participation reason was eligible not participating.

This will be needed during Fall 1 2024 since future plan effective dates could not be sent at the time.

We should be able to use 'future dates' around Fall 1 10/2/24. if not, plan on keeping this button handy.

So for this reporting cycle (hopefully) only, we will do this for the initials from last June who return and do start participating this year.

When we find student that has returned, go to the MIS Summary page review the Plan Effective date and the district enrollment date.

These two dates need to be aligned so make the district enrollment date in SIRAS match the plan effective date.


If there is existing data that is old, we may see an error.

Lets say staff entered the district enrollment date based on IFSP enrollment or even general ed. enrollment

If the district enrollment date is left over as 12/13/2023 but the plan effective date is 8/7/2024 (services starting next year)

and use the 'Update and Report with Status: button, we will get an error.




Here SIRAS detected a district enrollment date that was not updated.



Make sure to update the district enrollment date.



What we want to do is make sure that the plan effective date, or when participation started is used to set the SIRAS district enrollment date.
So be sure the plan effective date is correct and then match the SIRAS district enrollment date to it.  If the student has an earlier enrollment start date in CALPADS, that is most likely fine.


So once the district enrollment date in SIRAS only is updated to match plan effective date, click the Update and Report with Status: Active button

What it will do is make the record active and update the original initial IEP archive to be active and send the updated SWDS, PLAN and SERV records.



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