[Testing and Accommodations in SIRAS]
Before exporting SBAC/CAA or ELPAC support data from SIRAS, it is important that CALPADS has Special Education information for each student who will be in your export.
SPED data must be sent to CALPADS first from SIRAS, then SBAC and ELPAC accommodations export data can be accepted into TOMS.
The SENR record (student enrollment in CALPADS) sent from your SIS data no longer tells CALPADS this student is in SPED.
- Locate eligible student records in SIRAS, use pre-defined lists.
- Review the data for gaps or incorrect data in student lists.
- Fix manually under /student info/special ed. profile/assessment info or with addendums.
- Reset Search
- Go to /tools/data export/ click the export preset
- Click generate file button to export/save the data file and upload to TOMS.
Complete the following steps detailed in this help sheet:
- Go to /Reporting/Student Lists
- Click CAASPP Assessment button
- Review for blank entries
- Review for outdated supports (X_DEP) to remove
- Review for left over grade exempt
- Repeat with EL Assessment button
- Alert IEP Team or Site Coordinator as appropriate
For students who are eligible to take a CAASPP or ELPAC test this year, you will need to confirm that ELA, Math, Science and EL participations have been carefully selected and the Designated Supports and Accommodations area in SIRAS.
Designated Supports and Accommodations are entered on the CAASPP and EL Participation forms through the IEP process.
Additionally, data can be directly entered into SIRAS by going to the Assessment Info page (Student Info > Special Ed Profile > Assessment Info).
Which if used for purposes of preparing data for export, an IEP meeting to change the CAASPP Participation page must follow and be held prior to the student’s first day of testing.
Before an upload of data into TOMS can be completed by the testing coordinator at your district you will need to review your caseload in SIRAS using the CAASPP Assessment and EL Test Participation lists, which contain the data that will populate a district-wide data export from SIRAS.
Part 1: Locate the eligible records for review. (Case Managers and/or SIRAS Data staff)
- Go to Reporting/Student Lists.
- Click on Predefined Lists tab.
- Under Testing-Related: Click the CAASPP Assessment List button or EL Test Participation. This will locate all the students who are in the testing group.
- Note you can choose the alternative test separately or together when the menu is selected.
Part 2: Review the data for gaps or incorrect data. (Case Managers and/or SIRAS DATA staff)
Review the ELA, Math, Science, and EL columns for gaps, an empty cell that is blank, “with Designated Supports” or “with Accommodations” without any supports or accommodations listed. Records that have gaps, an IEP will need to be held prior to testing to add supports.
Designated Supports or Accommodations not listed:
For students in the testing group who are listed as outside of grade level, correct the participation and add Supports/Accommodations, if needed.
For students whose last IEP had a support that is no longer offered or has moved to another category of support, remove the deprecated support (X_DEP), see screenshot below. Don’t forget to add in another support at this time or when following directions in Part 3 of this help sheet, if needed.
Incorrect Participation:
Deprecated Supports:
Part 3: Fill in the missing and/or correct the data. (Case Managers and/or SIRAS DATA staff)
- To edit information, right click on the student’s name and select Special Ed Profile > Assessment Info and add/change participation and supports. Data entered in this tab will be ready for export into TOMS. If you add accommodations when reviewing the assessment list, an IEP must be held to add the accommodations. If you change participations/supports (including removing a deprecated support), an IEP must be held prior to testing. This can be done via an addendum/amendment/other review/annual or triennial. Check with your director/ program specialist for their guidance about the meeting type they prefer in these cases. To return to the Student List, click the back button to the right of the SIRAS logo.
- Repeat until all gaps are filled and data has been corrected. Once your data is completely corrected, your SIRAS data administrator should be notified. Any changes made to participation and support data after the export has been completed by SIRAS data administrators means that they will have to be communicated with the test coordinator to ensure the student(s) have the supports necessary on the first day of testing.
Click Here for Part 4, Exporting Data