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Problems With Goal Developer
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 Unable to find the goals bank

When you are developing an IEP and want to do the goals or goals & objectives pages, start on the column to the right of the form (not on the form itself).  First click on the button ‘Add Blank Goal’ to create several goals for the student in the Goals Developer.  It is OK to have too many or two few, you can always add more or delete once you are in the Goal Developer.  Then select either Goals or Benchmarks to bring up the correct form.  Next click on Go to Goals/Benchmarks.  That will bring you directly into the Goals Developer where you can select how you want to develop the goal.  Edit Goal Text brings up an empty box for you to type in your own goal.  As you develop your goal, you will be required to include all the required elements. You will see the goal and baseline being developed at the top of the page. Once you are finished, select Assemble Goal. That will take you to the Edit Goal screen where you can make any changes you want to the goal. To replace any of the blank lines with a number, just double click on the line and then type in the number and click on the space bar. After you have made the changes you want to the goal and benchmark, click SAVE, and it will take you back to the first screen you were in. Then you can develop your next goal the same way. If you created more goals than you needed, just click ‘delete’ to get rid of them. Otherwise you will end up with blank goals on your IEP page.  Only the person who created the goal or a CASEMIS Clerk level admin user can delete a goal.

Note: You can also access the Goals/Benchmarks under the Student Info menu, then IEP Manager, then Goal Developer.


Unable to find custom goals in GoalWizard

Go to the Domain and Category for the custom goal and click the box for Custom to find a custom goal in an area or just select Custom before selecting a Domain and it will bring up all the custom goals you created in the entire GoalWizard. Spellcheck errors will be underlined in red.


Why don't you have IEP team on the menu for Responsible Discipline?

The Responsible Discipline is supposed to reflect the person(s) responsible for collecting the data and reporting on the progress.  The entire IEP team may be helping the student achieve the goal, but normally only one person (or possibly two people) will actually be responsible for data collection and the progress report.  This helps the parent understand which member(s) of the IEP team to contact if they have questions about the student's progress on a particular goal.  As a rule of thumb, the first person listed is the one responsible for collecting data and reporting progress on that goal.


Empty blank goals on the goals page and/or goals & objectives pages

Blank goals are an indication that you created more goals than you needed in the Goal Developer.  Go back to Goals/Benchmarks (either from the IEP manager to the right of the goals page or under the Student Info tab) and click ‘delete’ link next to the extra goals that you did not fill in or want.

Warning:  Empty goals left in the goals developer can result in an extra bank goals pages after Finalized.


Unable to locate the Progress Reports

Progress reports are found in two places.  For individual students it is easier to go under Student Info, Data Collection/Progress Reports.  You can also complete and print progress reports for your entire caseload (rather than student by student) if you go under Reporting to Bulk Progress Reports.  

If you do not see the progress report for the last IEP, most likely its because in the IEP Manager of that last Annual or Triennial that the Parent Response does not have 'Accepts the Plan'.  Without that option selected, the goals will not archive and advance to the current Progress Report.


Unable to print progress report in Spanish

Go under Reporting to Bulk Progress Reports. There you will see all your students with an option to switch to Spanish.


If you used the Goal Developer to create your goals, the goals will be automatically translated; however, if you made up your own goals, those goals will need to be translated on the Spanish form.


What if I want to start my goals before the case manager starts the meeting?

You can develop goals at any time by going Under Student Info to IEP Manager/Goals Developer.  You can also develop additional goals there if needed for an addendum meeting.  In addition, there is a section (tab) for “Next IEP Goals” tab to be used when developing the next IEP.

Is there a way to customize goals so I don't have to be limited to the ones in the GoalWizard?

Not only can you customize goals, you customize the entire goals bank to meet your needs. Start a goal using the GoalWizard.   Once you select a domain and category, read through the goals and pick out the ones you like by clicking on Add to Favorites on the far-right side.  After you get to the end of the category, click on Find Favorites.  You will now have your own personalized goal bank within the program that contains only the goals you selected in that category.  If there are additional goals you want to add, click on Custom Behavior (at the bottom of the goal list) and type in your own goal stem.  Begin with the verb (not will) and type in the behavior.  If it is an academic goal, you need to put in the standard number as well.  Then click on Save, and you have added your own goal to your personal goal bank.

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