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General Ed Summary Report Help
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After a meeting has started, often there is a need to collect information about the student’s progress from the general education teachers or parent.   This is a tool that will assist the meeting/report developer to acquire this information securely and comprehensively about the students progress in their subjects.

SIRAS will create a link dedicated for a particular subject.  This link is automatically placed in an email with instructions.  You would enter the email of the teacher and send.

Once the teacher receives the email they click on the link which opens a secured web page that the teacher can enter information concerning the student’s progress, attached related documents and submit it to the IEP meeting.

The information entered in the webpage is then placed in the Notes From General Ed. Teacher tab in the Forms Navigator.  The meeting/report developer can send multiple requests for information to different teachers using this process.  The teacher can update the notes/comments as until the meeting had been Finalized.

This information can either be copies and pasted into the forms or you click the 'General Education Summary Report' button which will assemble a comprehensive report of all the submitted notes by the student’s teachers.



Follow these steps:

  1. Send email to general education teacher(s).  The link will open a web portal to allow the teacher to enter notes, comments and attach documents.

  2. Teacher enter their name and information about student in comment box.  When finished the user clicks the Save button at the bottom.  There is only one opportunity to complete the comment box, after the user clicks Save the link will no longer be operative.
  3. The meeting coordinator will see the teacher’s comments and notes concerning the student at the bottom of the 'Gen Ed Rpt' link.

  4. Click the 'General Ed Summary Report' button  to develop a comprehensive General Education Summary Report.

  5. The Edit Notes link will take you to the “Notes” section where all the notes for the student are located.   It is here that you can edit the notes by the teachers.


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