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Home > User Manual > IEP Team > Steps to Finishing an IEP
Steps to Finishing an IEP
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Meeting Participation form:  The Participation form is to be signed at the beginning of the IEP meeting to record the attendance. The Parents/Guardians and all IEP Team Members present at the IEP meeting will sign the Meeting Participation form. This form does have the ability to track participation for multiple continuation meetings if necessary.


Consent form:  The Consent form is to be signed only by the Parents/Guardians when the IEP has come to Consent, Partial Consent, or Disagreement. The appropriate Parent Response will be selected, and the meeting can them be Finalized.


  • In Preparation for the IEP meeting the Meeting Participation form is to be printed out and then presented to the Parent and IEP Team at the start of the meeting to be signed.


  • If you are holding a remote meeting, the Meeting Participation form can be sent out electronically by email to the Parent and IEP Team just prior to the meeting by creating a Link/Request.


  • You do not have to check meeting held to send a Link/Request for the Meeting Participation form.


  • This form will be used to record Parent and IEP Team participation.



  • Check Meeting Held once the meeting is completely finished.


  • Choose the appropriate Parent Response.


  • If the parent attended the meeting in person and agrees to the IEP, present the Consent for Placement form to the parent for them to sign.


  • Once the parent signs the Consent for Placement form in agreement, you may select the Parent Response: Accepts the Plan and then Finalize the meeting.


  • Once the meeting is finalized, the data will be sent to CALPADS.


  • If you are waiting on signatures choose Awaiting Consent (Meeting Held must be checked to send the Consent form electronically).


  • Once you receive signed Consent of the IEP from the Parent, change the Parent Response from Awaiting Consent to the appropriate Parent Response and Finalize the meeting.

Please note: Verbal agreement is not enough to check Accepts the Plan, you must have a parent signature to choose Accepts the Plan




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