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MIS Summary Help
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MIS Summary Page

CALPADS and SPED Clerk Help:  Padlet For Admin & CALPADS Users
Related Help: Exit or Inactivate on MIS Summary Page    How to Create a New Record  


The MIS ( Management Information System ) is a page with all the important fields in one place; it is the heart of the student record.  Data can be entered directly onto the MIS Summary, (which generally must be done for a newly created record); or by the Forms Manager (IEP forms).  However, with the exception of a new student transferring to the SELPA from outside of SIRAS, most Special Ed related data elements are intended to be populated and updated via the IEP Manager meeting forms.

 CALPADS Note: [In order to send the SWDS, MEET, PLAN or SERV information seen in the current data, the MIS summary page must be archived to create the stored transaction. Automatically in most cases or manually if needed.]

Relationship between MIS Summary & Forms Manager (IEP forms):
SIRAS uses a 'push and pull' method of delivering data to the forms.  When a form is opened in the IEP Manager, data from the MIS Summary is populated onto the forms. Most changes made on the forms will be held temporarily as Pending Changes.  After a meeting has been 'Held'  (indicating by checking the meeting held checkbox in the IEP Manager) and there is consent to the plan, any pending changes will appear on the MIS Summary and other pages. Once the meeting is Finalized, SIRAS will then create an archived record, which is used for for CALPADS Reporting and historical reports.


MIS Summary Tool Bar:



Unlocking a Student Record:
Normally there is no need to change data on the MIS Summary page, as changes to the IEP should only occur through an IEP meeting.  Only administrator-level users are permitted to Unlock the MIS Summary page. There are certain data fields that would rarely change. Making changes to the MIS Summary page directly rather than through the IEP process may cause issues, so because of this many of the fields are locked down.  Users that have Administrator level access can unlock the MIS Summary page to apply corrections by clicking the Unlock button those fields will be opened for editing.  Normally corrections should be administered via Addendum/Amendment Meeting.   

Field Definitions:
Most of the fields on the MIS Summary page have a small question mark icons called 'mouseovers'.   By placing your curser over this will generate the definition for the field.   

Archive for Reporting:
If SIRAS detects a change to reportable data occurring outside the context of a meeting, the 'Archive for Reporting' button become available at the top of the MIS Summary.  Information relevant to the reporting status of the record will be displayed under "CALPADS Reporting Information".  If there are indeed changes that require reporting, click the 'Validate' button, then the 'Archive for reporting' button.  You will see a new updated archive record in the popup menu to the right of the 'Archive for reporting' button.


CALPADS Warnings and Errors:
Errors are identified in red and may be caused by an omission or an entry where the condition is in error.  All errors must be correct before the record can be submitted to CALPADS for the State reporting. If there is an error, an explanation of the error will appear in a yellow box located in the upper right corner. i.e. the students EL Type is 'EL' and the Native Language is 'English'.


Warning are identified in yellow and are caused because of an anomaly in the data.  Warning must be reviewed before submitting the record to CALPADS for the State reporting. It is permissible to send a student record to CALPADS. If there is a warning, an explanation of the error will appear in a yellow box located in the upper right corner.  i.e. the students grade and age are misaligned by more than two years; or an overdue IEP or Evaluation will result in a warning.

   Warning and errors are also represented on the Choose Student list under E for Errors and W for Warnings.  If the record had been successfully submitted to CALPADS a green checkbox will be in the error space.

Validate and Submit:
Before submitting a record to CALPADS the record will need to be validated.  Validating a record will scan the record for any CALPADS and non-CALPADS errors.  If there are either errors (red) or warning (yellow), an explanation of the error will appear in a yellow box located in the upper right corner. Once the errors have been corrected and the warning has been reviewed, then archive the record to CALPADS. 


Historical CALPADS Submissions
Located toward the top of the MIS Summary page is a popup menu with the archived CALPADS submissions.


You can view a history of all the CALPADS submissions by selecting the type of Date-Meeting Type in that popup menu.  This will display the information on the MIS Summary page of what was submitted to CALPADS for that meeting.  You will be able to edit historical CALPADS submissions.  Click 'Go to Current Record' to return to the current record.


Active / Inactive / Pending:
Located in the upper right-hand corner of the MIS Summary page will be the Status of the record.  The record will be designated as one of three statuses:  Active, Inactive, or Pending


Active status:  students that are actively receiving special education services by an IEP, ISP or IFSP.  All active records must be submitted to CALPADS.

Pending status:  student is currently being referred for special education and is within the 60 day period of an initial review.  This is designated in two ways: 1) the student status is selected as "Pending"; 2) the student has a referral and consent date but no Initial Evaluation date.

Inactive status: students that have been either Exited; Not Eligible (DNQ); or Other.
-    Exited record must have an exit date and reason.  If the student leaves the SELPA/district or is deceased that can be entered directly on the MIS Summary page; if the student is no longer eligible, or has graduated, that can be entered vie the IEP Manager and the forms.

-    Not Eligible (DNQ) occurs if the student has been referred for special education and through the process of an Initial Evaluation determined not to be eligible.

-    Other reasons would be Parent did not give permission to Assess; IEP Abandoned or put on hold; or Historical Inactive record, not current.

Optional status fieldsDesignation (General Ed, Special Ed, 504); Placement (RSP, SDC, DIS, RSP/SDC); Date placement changed (auto entered); Program (SH, LH, ED, SL, fill Inc.).  These placement or program options may vary according to SELPA preferences.

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