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Home > User Manual > IEP Team > Accessing Spanish Forms and Translating
Accessing Spanish Forms and Translating
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Spanish forms will only become available after you have developed the form in English, saved it, and clicked the checkbox for ‘Translation Req’d’ on the menu bar across the top of the IEP Manager screen.

Make sure you have filled out the English form and saved it before opening the Spanish form because all the information on the Spanish forms comes over directly from the English forms.  If you open the Spanish form and save in SIRAS and then make further changes to the English form those changes will not be reflected on the Spanish form. For this reason, it is suggested that you not check the checkbox for ‘Translation Req’d' until all the English forms have been completed.  If you need to make changes to the English version of any form after submitting the Spanish form to SIRAS, you will need to delete the saved Spanish form (by clicking on the grey ‘X’ to the right of the Spanish submitted form) so SIRAS will bring over all the revised information entered on the English form.   

An exception to this suggestion would be Pre-Meeting forms.  The Spanish versions will be needed before the IEP meeting has been held.  For Pre- Meeting forms, fill out all the forms that will be needed in English first and save them.  Then check the ‘Translation Req’d’ checkbox.  You will then see a new column for Spanish Pre- Meeting forms.

The Spanish versions of the English forms that have been saved will be available under this tab.   If the only information that will need to be translated on these forms, such as the IEP Meeting Notice, would be information which was typed onto the form rather than selected from the menus.  Once the Spanish Pre-Meeting forms have been printed, it is strongly advised that you uncheck the ‘Translation Req’d’ box so that other users will not be tempted to open the Spanish forms before the English forms have been completed.



Notice that the Spanish link only appears after the English form has been submitted.

All information entered onto the English IEP forms will be translated into Spanish except for information typed onto the form by the user.  Any information typed onto the English form will show in English on the Spanish form.  The translator does not need to view the English form.  S/he can then just pull up the Spanish form and translate the English entries directly on the Spanish form.

Progress Reports can be printed in Spanish provided the goals have been translated.  If staff members used the GoalWizard to develop the English goals, SIRAS will automatically translate them into Spanish.  However, any goals that were customized or changed on the English version will need to have the same changes made on the Spanish version.  Goals written without using the GoalWizard will have to be translated completely.  Then the translated versions will go directly into the Spanish IEP forms and progress report.  To access the Spanish version of the goal, click on Edit Text to bring up the English goal, then click the button to access the Spanish version and make any changes needed, and save.  Any comments typed by the user for the goals (rather than using the comments menu) or at the bottom of the Progress Report will also have to be translated.

To print a Finalized IEP in Spanish in the Finalized meeting window, select ‘Basic (Spanish)’ and click “View/Print All Forms” button.

Note 1:  There is a special role in the program which is called Translator.  Any user assigned the role of Translator can see all and only students who have “Translation Req’d” checked. When the translation is finished, the Translator will check “Translation Complete,” and the record will no longer be listed.  If a Translator needs to be assigned to another role in addition to that of Translator, the students with IEPs needing to be translated will have to be assigned to that provider.  The Translator role cannot be combined with any other role.

Note 2: When the translation is completed indicated by the translator checking the ‘Translation Complete’ checkbox the providers associated with the meeting and the person who created the meeting will get an internal email message (located on the SIRAS Home Page) that the translations to the IEP have been completed.

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