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Home > User Manual > IEP Team > Forms Manager Meeting Purposes
Forms Manager Meeting Purposes
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The Forms Manager is where the user creates an IEP/504/SST Meeting and completes the forms to build the student IEP/504/SST. Once the meeting is 'Held' and the Meeting Held box is checked, information is linked between the Forms Manager and the MIS Summary page. The form data is pushed into the MIS Summary page updating the MIS Summary page.

Finalizing an event in the IEP/504/SST manager, the forms are locked in place and saved. The link between the MIS Summary page and the IEP manager ends.  One the Parent Response is 'Accepts the plan' the pending data from the meeting forms will be accepted into the MIS Summary page to update the PLAN for CALPADS reporting.

It is when IEP meetings here are finalized that archives are created on the MIS Summary page. The results of these meetings are automatically reported to CALPADS.

Meeting Purpose

Give careful thought and consideration to the purpose of meeting when planning an IEP. Prior to selecting a meeting purpose, make sure the student information in SIRAS is accurate including the Contacts (located under Student Info menu / Student Profile / Contacts). Review the MIS Summary page and verify the EL type and Health information is correct. Also, verify the student Contact information. This will ensure that SIRAS will auto-populate the correct data in the forms one the form has been opened.

Initial Evaluation

An Initial Evaluation is first evaluation to determine the student’s eligibility for Special Education, including preschool services. If the student is found to be eligible for services, SIRAS will generate a Next IEP Date one year from the date of the Initial Evaluation and a Next Triennial Review Date three years from the date of the Initial Evaluation. The Implementation Date is defaulted to the next day after the meeting, but can be changed if needed. (If implementation of a particular service will be delayed, it can be noted by changing the Begin Date in the services box at the bottom of the services form or the MIS Summary page.  The Plan effective/Implementation Date will also be considered the Entry Date on the MIS Summary page).

Initial Evaluation is still marked if a student does not qualify for services, and no date is recorded for entering Special Education. Check the ‘Not Eligible’ checkbox at the bottom of the eligibility section on the appropriate form. Only the forms needed for a non-eligible student will then be required. If any of the other forms had been filled out prior to the determination that the student did not qualify, they should be reset by using the red X in the action column to the right of the form link on the IEP Manager. Do not worry about any errors that may be showing on the MIS Summary at this time. Check the Meeting Held box and the plan type will change from IEP to Not Eligible. The errors on the MIS Summary page will then be cleared. Subsequent IEPs for a student previously found not eligible, will still be considered an Initial Evaluation. The date of the IEP, in which student is found eligible, will be the Initial Evaluation date. If the student exits Special Education and re-enters at a later date, that IEP will be considered as a second Initial Evaluation. [CALPADS NOTE: Will report SWDS and MEET, possibly PLAN and SERV.]

[CALPADS Information for Initial Evaluations]

Annual Review

An Annual Review is held every year to evaluate student progress and develop new goals and objectives for the student. An Annual Review is also used if there is a review held earlier than twelve months from the last IEP. All required forms of the IEP must be completed and new goals and objectives developed and adopted. If the Annual Review date coincides with the Triennial Review/Reevaluation date, the Triennial Review will serve as the Annual Review as well as the Triennial Review. [CALPADS NOTE: Will report MEET and possibly PLAN and SERV.]


A Triennial Review/Reevaluation is held at least once every three years to evaluate student’s continued eligibility for Special Education. A Triennial Review/Reevaluation must be within 3 years from the date of the last evaluation, but may be conducted sooner if a new evaluation has been conducted to determine the student's continued eligibility or to change eligibility.

The Triennial/Reevaluation is also used for reevaluations for transition from Preschool into Kindergarten. The Triennial Review/Reevaluation will reset the next IEP date one year from the date of the meeting and the next Triennial Review/Reevaluation date three years from the date of the meeting.

The meeting purpose of Triennial Review/Reevaluation is also used when a student with an IEP transfers into the district from out of state. A Reevaluation must be conducted for an out of state students, with all elements of a Triennial Review to reestablish eligibility and need for services. 

An Assessment Plan will be generated with a 60-day timeline for a Triennial Review/Reevaluation. The IEP meeting must be held no later than the end of the 60 days.  However, if the team determines there is adequate information already available in the student’s record and that no additional data is needed, the Triennial Review Summary (located under Tools/Added Forms/Triennial) is completed and presented at a Triennial/Reevaluation meeting within 30 days in lieu of an assessment. 

If a student is found to be no longer eligible at the Triennial Review/Reevaluation, fill out the pages required for a non-eligible student. Form Kern SELPA and Ventura SELPA, click the Exit Student button at the bottom of the Dates box; for all other SELPA click the ‘No longer eligible checkbox on the IEP 2 form; which will enter an Exit Date and Exit Reason (Returned to general education, no longer eligible).  This action will also remove the next IEP date, the next Tri date, the disability, all services from the SIS page / IEP 2 forms and change the % in general education to 100%.  Do not check Not Eligible checkbox as this box is only used for Initial Evaluations. Also, do not put anything in the Dismissed from box.  This box is used only when students are being dismissed from one or more services and continue to be eligible for special education.

When you save this page with the Exit Date and Exit Reason, all the pages not needed for the student will drop off the list.  The action of exiting a student will have the information the way it needs to be for the IEP, but all the CALPADS data will remain on the MIS page for CALPADS reporting.  DO NOT alter the MIS Summary page by removing the services or disability from the MIS Summary page as those data elements are required for CALPADS even if the student has exited.

Once the Exit checkbox is checked on the IEP 2 Eligibility form and you return to the IEP Manager, SIRAS to automatically flag submitted forms that are not required ‘Submitted but no longer applicable’; these forms should be deleted by clicking the red ‘X’ to the right of the form link. SIRAS will also Inactivate and exit the student when the meeting is Finalized. 

Refer to the section Exiting a Student from Special Education for more detailed information. [CALPADS NOTE: Will report MEET, most likely PLAN & SERV, sometimes SWDS]

Review (30 Days) - Interim Placement

Click here to see the full Review (30 day) meeting process.
Make sure the student's plan adoption archive has been created once they arrive before the 30 day IEP event is opened in the IEP aka Forms manager. A Review 30-Day is held when a student is transferring in from a district outside of the SELPA or State with a current/active IEP.  A meeting is not required upon enrollment but must be completed within 30 days of enrollment. If the student is in a SELPA, request a transfer of that record to your district. If the student is not in a SELPA who uses SIRAS, create a new record and enter all CALPADS information from the student’s current IEP in the MIS Summary page.  

Before the Review 30-day meeting can be created, archive of the record for CALPADS must be completed.  

You will need to select if the district will be developing a new 'Annual Review (default as it is considered best practice); or be 'Adopting the Out of SELPA IEP' (which is amending the IEP that the student arrived with).

The Interim Placement form is located in the IEP Manager under Pre-Meeting forms. This is a 30-day placement agreement of the services the district will provide until the Review 30-day is completed.

The IEP team may choose to adopt the student’s current IEP from out of the SELPA district in lieu of developing a new Annual. Check the box under the enrollment date on the IEP Manager to ‘Adopt Existing Out of SELPA IEP’, and the program will indicate Adopt Out of SELPA IEP as the secondary purpose of the Review (30 day) meeting.  The next IEP date and the Next Triennial date will remain the same as indicated on the IEP from the previous district.

When adopting an IEP from an out of SELPA district, all pages of the IEP will be available and the information from the previous IEP needs to be transcribed into the SELPA forms.  Any other information required to make the IEP legally compliant would need to be added. Minor changes to the student’s services (percent of day and minutes), accommodations, CAASPP participation, etc. can be made just as it would on an Other Review.  Use the Additional page as needed to capture information from the former district’s IEP that does not fit into the SELPA forms.

Goals will need to be transferred from the Out of SELPA IEP into the Goal Developer. Click on the Create Blank Goal button toward the bottom of the Goal developer and transcribe the goals from the Out of SELPA IEP.

Transfers from out of state require a Triennial Review/Reevaluation meeting. Transfers from a district within the SELPA do not require an IEP meeting unless the district feels it is necessary to change parts of the IEP from the previous district. In this case, changes to the IEP could be done through an Addendum/Amendment or Other Review.  Refer to Transfers of Students with IEPs into the District for more detailed information.

Addendum / Amendment

An Addendum/Amendment meeting is created to make minor changes to the IEP (e.g. add accommodations or an additional goal).  The Addendum requires an IEP meeting; the Amendment does not.  Neither form can be used for a change in placement.

An Addendum/Amendment does not change any dates from the original IEP except the Implementation date.  The Addendum/Amendment form is the only form required; no other pages are required for an Addendum/Amendment. The SELPA has elected to make most IEP pages available as optional forms.  The Addendum/Amendment form may be used in combination with any of the other IEP pages, with the exception of the Student Demographic/Information page, that may be appropriate to assist in entering data into SIRAS.  For example, changes being made to the student’s CAASPP participation should be made directly onto the CAASPP page of the IEP, so the data would be saved correctly in SIRAS.

The Addendum/Amendment will appear appended to the top of the current IEP when it is Finalized. When the IEP is downloaded Addendum/Amendment will be the first page(s) followed by the current IEP. [CALPADS NOTE: Will only send PLAN & SERV]

Other Review

An Other Review meeting is created when a portion of the IEP is being revised. An Other Review is not an Annual Review. An Other Review may be conducted for many reasons:  Parent Request, Behavior, Additional Assessment (to look at the need for additional service--not an evaluation to determine eligibility), Change Placement, Consider Exiting, Transfer to Kindergarten (only for students entering preschool within the last 90 days of the school year), Transfer to Middle School, or Transfer to High School.

An ‘Other Review’ meeting may also be held instead of a stand-alone Addendum, particularly if the proposed changes to the IEP will impact CALPADS data.  A secondary purpose should always be selected when using an ‘Other Review’. The only required forms for an ‘Other Review’ are the Student Demographics form and the Signature Agreement/Attendance form.  All other forms are optional. Any changes being made related to CALPADS data such as the CAASPP participation, Services, Transition, or English Language Development forms should be changed directly on those forms for ease in pushing the data directly into SIRAS rather than having the SPED Clerk enter those changes by hand on the MIS Summary. The optional Additional page is used to clarify the purpose of the meeting and indicate changes that have been made to the IEP. 

An ‘Other Review’ does not reset any dates from the previous IEP except the implementation date.  Therefore, if goals are added during this meeting, the target dates should correspond with the target dates of the other goals in the IEP. An ‘Other Review’ is not appended to the IEP as an Addendum/Amendment is. [CALPADS NOTE: Will only send PLAN & SERV]

Manifestation Determination

A Manifestation Determination meeting is held when a student has reached or is close to reaching the 10th day of suspension and the student established a pattern of behaviors and/or the student is being considered for expulsion. A Manifestation Determination is normally a separate meeting to consider the student's behavior/s that led to the suspension/s or consideration for expulsion. A Manifestation Determination Review Worksheet is available as an optional form for an Annual Review and Triennial Review/Reevaluation in the case it is needed.

Exit Summary

An Exit Summary is used to document the discussion between a high school or post-secondary student exiting Special Education and his/her case manager. An Exit Summary should be completed for every student leaving school due to graduation, aging out, or withdrawal after the age of 18.  It does not have to be completed in the context of an IEP meeting and is usually done within one or two weeks of the student leaving school. 

The Case Manager is responsible for completing the forms and presenting them to the student. The graduation date is entered as the exit date. This will allow the student to remain Active until they have graduated. The student needs to sign the Exit Summary and is given a copy. A copy is also given to the CASEMIS clerk to establish a baseline and to retain contact information to use when conducting the post-secondary follow-up one year after the student exits Special Education.

Individual Service Plan

An ISP is used for a student who is eligible for special education services in a public school, but has been placed by his/her parent/s in a private school. The ISP is located on a separate tab on the IEP Manager. During an Initial Evaluation, Annual Review, or Triennial Review/Reevaluation you must develop a full IEP offering FAPE at the student’s home school.  If the parent decides to continue the student in private school located within the boundaries of your district, you can develop the ISP as a part of the meeting.  Once you develop the ISP form and indicate the meeting was held, the plan type will be automatically changed to ISP.  To change from an ISP to an IEP during any meeting, click on the Change to IEP button and the IEP forms will appear.

Private School Referral for Special Education Policy

When a student attending a private school is referred for special education services, the student should be entered into SIRAS as though s/he was attending his/her home school with school type as public school while the assessment is being conducted and the IEP is being developed.  If the student found to be eligible the IEP will offer services at the home school.  If the parent does not want to enroll the student in public school the student may be offered services through an ISP (Individual Services Plan), depending on district guidelines.  At this point the school type should be changed to private school non-certified, and the school attending should be changed to the name of the private school.  The private school name for students taught at home by their parents Is "School with No Name".   If an ISP is developed the plan type will automatically be changed to ISP.  If an ISP is not developed, the plan type should be manually changed to Eligible, no plan, parent placed in private school.

Secondary Purpose

A Secondary Purpose may be added for most of the meetings above.  Located in the IEP Manager as Secondary Purpose.  Even though there are pop downs, the user can enter any text into the field.


An Addendum/Amendment is added to discuss and/or make minor changes to the IEP that does not require a full review.

Additional Assessment

An Additional Assessment is added when a specific evaluation is needed which may lead to a change of eligibility of services.  To discuss the results of an additional assessment and to determine if student needs additional goals and/or services. The student's Disability is permitted to be changed if the Meeting Purpose is Other Review of an Annual Review and the Secondary Purpose is 'Additional Assessment'.


Behavior is added as a secondary purpose to discuss issues related to behavior that may result in development of a behavior plan and/or changes to goals, services, accommodations or other parts of the IEP.

Change of Placement

A Change of Placement is added to discuss a possible change of placement for the student.

Consider Exiting

A Consider Exiting is added as a secondary purpose to discuss the possibility of exiting the student from special education.  This may result in development of an assessment plan to evaluate continuing eligibility.

Parent Request

A Parent request may be added to indicate issues of concern the parent may have.

Review of Progress

A Review Progress is added to review the student’s progress in their current placement and determine if any changes are needed.

Transfer to Preschool

A transition to Preschool from an Infant program.  From IFSP to IEP (C to B).

Transfer to Kindergarten

A transfer to Kindergarten is added to discuss any issues related to the student’s transfer to Kindergarten that were not discussed at the Initial Evaluation.

Transfer to Middle School

A Transfer to Middle School is added to consider any changes in the IEP that are related to the student transferring to a middle school campus.

Transfer to High School

A Transfer to High School is added to consider changes in the IEP that are related to the student transferring to a high school campus.

Transfer to Post-Secondary Adult Transition Program

A Transfer to Post-Secondary Adult Transition Program is added to consider any changes in the student’s IEP that are related to transferring to a post-secondary adult transition program.

Transition from Early Start

A Transition from Early Start is added at the age of three to review the child's progress in the Early Start program and consider the need for educational services in preschool. The child’s Early Start Service Coordinator is invited to the meeting. Please notify support if you prefer that the Service Coordinator does not attend.

Transition to Kindergarten

A Transition to Kindergarten is added to review the child's progress in preschool and review the results of the evaluation conducted prior to child’s entry to Kindergarten and determine if special education services are necessary for the child to access the Kindergarten program.

Transition to Adult

A Transition to Adult is required for all special education students 16 years old and older. The meeting is held to discuss student’s dreams/goals for adult living and develop a plan toward attainment of those goals.  The student is invited and is encouraged to participate in the meeting as much as possible.  Per your permission at the last IEP, we will invite the agency representatives below to discuss adult services.  If the agency representative is unable to attend, input by phone or in writing will be requested.

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