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Plan Adoption
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See Plan Adoption PPT on this at Padlet


All new incoming students that are already eligible and participating (as seen by most recent SWDS = 1 in CALPADS) will need plan adoption archives created, if they will start participating at your district. If a new incoming eligible student will not start participating, then we don't adopt the plan like this.

Per EDC 49068 the previous school needs to transfer to the current school (in your district) at least a copy of their records, including IEP documentation.

If the student's IEP is based in CA, then the most recent IEP plan that the student has in theory should already posted in CALPADS so if they are not coming from a SIRAS district, you can complete the MIS Summary page from SWDS, MEET, PLAN & SERV records posted by the previous district.

If the student's IEP was not based in CA, (and CALPADS has no data at all) then this is when we use SELPA_FROM = Out of State.  That indicator tells SIRAS to send more information than would normally be reported in plan adoption archive.


If your district has more than 40 incoming students from previous SIRAS districts that all need plan adoptions, SIRAS can batch archive them for you.

Email [email protected]


Requirements for batch archive of incoming students:

  • Leave the incoming record active status as Pending, SIRAS will set it to Active.
  • Fill in the district enrollment date, aka first day of school when they start to participate
  • Fill in the school type and school attending
  • All records to be batch archived must have the same district enrollment date
  • (Filling in providers, optional but useful)
  • If developmental delay is the disability, see this page.


Procedure for individually archiving a plan adoption of incoming student:

  • Confirm student is eligible and will start participating
  • Leave the incoming record active status as Pending, SIRAS will set it to Active.
  • Fill in the district enrollment date, aka first day of school when they start to participate (this will be the report event date)
  • Fill in the school type, school attending, grade & providers
  • Update MIS Summary page to have the latest 'plan' information. EX, new last IEP date? new last EVAL date?  new services?
  • Click the archive for reporting button








Before we archive:

Update district enrollment date to the date they start participating, typically the same as the enrollment start date in CALPADS.
Without overlapping enrollment in CALPADS, GERR0005


How to archive:

Click on the Archive for reporting button







Once the archived transaction is created, it is automatically set to send to CALPADS

This type of archive will send PLAN and SERV records with a plan effective date equal to the district enrollment date which set the report event date of the archived transaction.


If this student was 'eligible not participating' or 'eligible not enrolled' in CALPADS upon arrival and they now are starting to participate again.

After this plan adoption archive is reported to CALPADS, we can open it back up and set the report status to SWDS Only and this same archive will send a SWDS = 1 record with the SWDS effective as of date equal to the district enrollment date.




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